Contact the Firm

Studio Elli is located in Milan, viale Monte Nero 78,  Piazza Cinque Giornate tram stop n.9,12,27 and bus stop n. 60, traffic area B. Paid parking nearby.

To contact the Firm, explain your question and arrange an appointment:

contact the Firm from 9:00 to 19:30, from Monday to Friday, by calling the number (0039) 02.54121137, by fax to (0039) 02.59901991, by e-mail

or fill in and send the form below and you will be promptly contacted at the time and by the method of your choice (phone, whatsapp, e-mail).

Before the assignment for advocacy or consultancy activities, a quotation for the requested service will be made on the basis of the current legal regulations (D.L. 2012 n.1, art.9). It is not possible to provide free online advice.